Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Nothing is more important to New Jersey's future than an educated workforce that can compete in the global economy and start new businesses right here in our state. Barbara has been a tireless advocate for providing equitable K-12 funding across New Jersey, and fought Governor Christie's efforts to cut $820 million in education funding.

She has stood up to Christie when he's attempted to scapegoat our teachers rather than give them the tools they need. And Barbara knows that we need rigorous standards as well as expanded early-learning programs so that we ensure every child can meet those standards.

When it comes to higher education, too many New Jersey families are finding college out of reach because of spiraling tuition costs that are rising far faster than inflation. Barbara was able to get loans and work her way through school at Montclair State and Rutgers law school, but that's not an option for many young people today. Barbara will work to hold down tuition costs while partnering businesses with New Jersey's colleges; so students get the skills they need for good jobs.
